
Sheltering Abusers -A grass roots approach


I am speaking as a person who had sustained pretty severe trauma and this is just my opinion... here is my soap box comment.

I do feel you can see trauma in others when you have been a victim or are a survivor.  Look around... I hope we finally have had the reality check we need.  I hope we all know it is time that we address the people who are perpetuating this sick cycle. We need accountability from the people committing it and also the people sheltering them.

This isn't just a quick fix... this is a social issue. The perpetrators were often victims and in order to fix this we need to address this at the core of society. Stop hiding it for them. Stop covering up for them and stop refusing to get your children help in the name of your own selfish pride or monetary gain. We apparently forget that society isn't just about what you can and cannot get away with or what is according law but also what we decide is healthy as a unified people. We need to take action as a society. So many of us are children of parents who saw a lot... and instead of allowing the illness to perpetuate, we need to start taking action before it turns into another sick and untreated generation. The rug cannot hold these secrets anymore.. lest we fail our fellow humans..

We know, at least in the US, we are a highly varigated culture which came from people who valued the pride of their family, even when their loved ones were in harms way. Smile and nod isn't acceptable. The closed door attitude and hush-hush approach about abuse within our families needs to be addressed. The creepy uncle shouldn't be an accepted trope. I feel like we need to move in the direction of more transparency and culpability if we really want change. We need to dig deep and group together in the name of our own humanity.... and for once... I feel like this is something we should all agree on.

No matter what background we come from. I wouldn't ever shame someone for their beliefs but prayer, energy or whatever you believe in simply cannot be the only thing that we do to take action. Only we as a society can remedy this by taking action, even when it may be the most painful thing you ever do.

"Right and wrong" isn't rocket surgery.

Be strong, do what is right to save the next generation from more needless pain, isolation, shame and manipulation. If we want to progress as humans we need to unify on how to address these issues at the grass roots level.

Shaming and fearing people sexually only shoves them into the dark where the malady cannot be seen. The prudent method and approach didn't work... lest our grandmothers wouldnt have these awful stories. We need more research and put more volition into treating young victims.We need tangible and malleable methods of approaching healing at home. It will not be easy and it takes work. We need to be steadfast to not let this issue fall to the wayside the moment it's not in the press.

At the hone level, we must start calling it what it is when we see it.  Stop giving a social pass to abusers in the same of selfish attachment and fear. This is an epidemic of monstrous proportions and it hides behind any veil it can. It has been here too long unchecked. I am tired of hearing about so many people around these abusers, walking free when they helped them cover it up.... At some point we need to start taking action at the grass roots level in unity to finally make real motions to usurp the abusers from their comfort zones. They do not deserve your loyalty if they would harm your kin.

My brother is serving 2 life sentences right now and I was the one who helped them find and arrest him. We were both victims yet I made the choice to break the cycle of familial protection. You can do it... take action because it's the right thing to do. Stop the cycle. #survivor #sexualabuse #takeastand

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