
Rant about the progress of man

Post about how we as humans need to progress....... So.... The problem I have with killing a lion is that there that there is no use in useless killing, lions are nearly extinct. First and foremost, if you have to kill something you should be selective as to not reduce numbers of anything. We should never cause anything to totally become extinct because they belong to all of us and the decision is not unanimous. They could have some use in the system that we are destroying. I do not think we have developed in time evolutionarily or the system, if you will, to obliterate the rest of the species on our planet. I do not stand behind killing shit just to kill it. I don't stand behind killing them for just coats either or any secular use, especially that which is of mere fancy. I do not support nailing a species that is going extinct to a f*#$(*^ board. Kill it and eat it. Wear it, boil the bones. Use the fur, if you must. Enjoy killing it even, I don't give a shit about your enjoyment, that part is none of my business,honestly. F*^%*% you for thinking otherwise. This planet, in which we live, is F*%*&^ all of ours. Regardless of the imaginary lines we have created. I don't even give a shit about those lines as long as they do not impede me or keep me from going as I may, impeding as little as I may. I want to educate, help people and produce what I use with my own hands to the best of my ability. IF you want to sit on your ass go for it, just don't stand in my way. We need leaders who give a shit about what is ACTUALLY going on. We need people to stand up and take the F%*^% stand and give a shit about something other than making F*&%#*& MONEY!!!!! I love how murder only applies to humans. If someone killed a human it would be a big F*&^@#*&^ deal. The difference is that were clearly not going extinct. lulz... Perhaps everyone gets mad when lions are killed because because lions are F&*^*&adorable, ferocious creatures... Endangered animals are killed every F#*($)(*#^ day... But not hot girls with pictures are involved so no one gives a flying shit. Killing a lion for sport in a place you are not even F*&%*&^% from... to top it off.. going there JUST to kill the F*(^(*^&(* Lion?? Really?? This is not even close to being productive in any way. Killing random shit for what gain? How does this help anything... sustain anything? From now on were going to to judge this way.. I know it sounds harsh but if you are not producing something... anything at all or being productive as a human in some manner or learning something and progressing as a species.. We will not be the best of friends, I assure you. Even the conception of thought is the production of something that is helpful, especially in others. S Now,I know a lot of people hunt for game... but I do not remember the last time I heard of someone killing a deer and then not eating it...or fishing and not eating it unless you throw it back and don't kill it. We clearly have no real reason to be here and as is were all kind of making it up as we go along. We will never progress unless we all do something useful to the grander scheme of sustainability. I make clothes, hats, jewelry, I help people all the time. I hold doors for strangers, I lend my hand if it is not otherwise being used to another cause. I am an artist and I am saying this? I produce goods with my hands that are made from recycled materials that would otherwise be thrown away, to the best of my ability as I am not 100%,no one is as the world has made this almost completely unavoidable.Every inch of the land has been tampered with and not for the good of anything worth while at all. I know it is the narcissist in me speaking but I think that we should all be trying much harder to make this work the best we can. We try to solve problems and we all point outward instead of inward for the answers. Make something you need,tell me how it feels. It can change you indefinitely. Council another person, help them. Create some kind of productive energy reaction that pushes others to create more, try harder. Conserve that you can, help whom you can... do something F&^(& productive for F^&% sake.

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