Wheat, Water & What the Heck
By dreadthedays
The data and reports made about our food supply lately have me very concerned. what I have seen about the safety of our food seems incredibly biased, if not blatantly misleading. However, I mean no offense to bloggers or even reporters. It is not by any fault of theirs. I also want to make this clear... I have no stakes other than my health, the health of my fellow man, and the longevity of our lives invested in this rant.... So, with that being said...
I believe, wholeheartedly, that the lack of data is not only intentional, but a part of our food production system (or lack there of) and it is lawfully so. The deficit of clear and present, verifiable (while also trustworthy and reproducible) information, especially of food continuity and general health is not just assumed, but reportedly, owned by private corporations. This is not just some crazy, outlandish assumption, it is a fact.
From what I can find, our databases, quality reports and a general outlining of health has been essentially hijacked and, for the most part, fundamentally privatized. Furthermore, I propose that the very nature of privatization is what lends little confidence to the overall quality of information which is publically available. Perhaps it is because negative data could, unfortunately, cost someone a little dough.
So, exactly what does this mean? little qualified or official data is actually publically available for scrutiny. So... due to the abundance of misinformation, and substantial lack of comparative evidence.... people make stuff up.
However, 30 years ago a study was proposed and conducted by some of the worlds top leading doctors. Surprisingly comprehensive, this 30+ year, long term, voluntary study is outstanding. It contains data of health exams, blood tests, imaging and mental health reports. It's kinda no wonder we didn't hear about it....
This massive study included a multitude of patients, with a variety of cohorts. The patients were a variety of ages. However, no real comparison study has been conducted. Though many small scale studies have, which seem to corroborate their findings. Sadly, The conclusions made were nothing short of alarming. Though many deductions were made, the most damning evidence is just plain awful. They deduced that it is incredibly viable that "wheat" is actually quite unhealthy.
So... it not so much that "wheat" is unhealthy but more specifically, which wheat....
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This is NOT the same as That..... |
This study, and the multitude of others like it, concluded many potentially adverse health effects of the most widly used wheat type. The study is highly contriversial because it seeks to provide evidence against the current accepted data about precisely "whole grain wheat". It directly opposes studies pushed by physicians and nutritionists alike. Studies based on the generically used term: "Whole grain wheat". This is likely due to the fact that SOME wheat really is healthy. Misleadingly, the "evidence" we see has been purposefully weasel worded to confuse. So basically, the studies we use to form our general health advice, the advice given by most trusted professionals, we're performed on a different wheat grain entirely. Go figures, right.
To better explain, The grain we consume regularly in breads, crackers, cereals etc. which is textually written as "whole grain wheat" is, in the US 90% and worldwide with the US included 80% a very specific grain called "Dwarf Wheat". It is a mutated version of the old school grain our grandparents ate.
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It is Heathfullnesses, Trust teh Ketteh |
So what's the big deal with the dwarf variety and what do we use for our references when reporting that wheat is pretty awesome?
This is because it can yield up to 10x "standard"... As in ancient grains produce up to 10x less yeild. It was supposed to solve world hunger and in some ways, it has.... But at what cost? I would rather be slimmer, more healthy and have less food that be obease, sick and in abundance. This is an opinion post, not medical advice, I am not a doctor.... Just a conscientious person, with a lot of questions, in the wake of all this abounding and disturbing evidence. Talk about a mouth full....
Wait so...
Yes, the grain that is used to prove and outline the health benefits of "whole grain" was actually called "Ancient Grain", it's that stuff I mentioned that our grandparents ate. Sadly these two foods are not even in the same ballpark, not in any respect. Well, maybe other than being food, which, after seeing the data, some people might even debate.
This hearty wheat variety, is what the majority, 80 give or take some % of the world, actually consumes, that being said... I just have a million more questions.
OMG, Just tell me, Is it the DNA?
So, riddle me this... If Ancient Grains (molecular count 14) and Dwarf Wheat (molecular count 44) have the same health benefits then why?I say this because I should be able to deduce this since they seem to be using them all interchangeably, right. Then why not just use Dwarf wheat for the study, and avoid the confusion? That is, pretty much, why I am ranting.... are they actually interchangeable?
To be honest, That is pretty flipping doubtful.
Essentially, I think We have been fed "a whole lot of lies".
I bet it's Money
Well, I believe, it is because this chop-shopped hybrid "Dwarf Wheat" is just NOT good for you. but that it is outright dangerous. It has been correlated to a wide variety of health consequences. And... I am not promoting anything here but data, truth and my own research. I am not selling any books and I do not have any videos to show you... I suggest you do the research like I did and decide for yourself.
How about a Nana?
Here is a little story; My grandmother who is 86yo old has been insulin dependant all of her life. Up until 5 years ago, she was prescribed 3+ shots of insulin per day. I showed her the studies I found.
Turns out, A ton of people who found the same enlightening study I did, decided pretty much the same....cut it out, and see if it helps. Many people reported cutting whole grain wheat from their diets to see if it might help their diabetes. Others were being if it might help their weight. So, after losing 65 lbs and feeling better bout muhself... she saw my progress and kinda just followed the same line of thinking.
She was confounded and angry that the studies I showed her went against everything she had been told and she wanted to know for herself.
First, she went to an allergist and had a gluten and wheat allergy test because if she was going to assume her results were not just an allergy issue thn she needed to know she was not allergic. I had honestly done the same and she had similar results. Though we were both allergic to a ton of other stuff, She too was deemed NOT gluten intolerant not allergic to "wheat". Though as a side, I still kinda wonder which wheat was used for the allergy test but whatever. After she got her tests back, She figured, why not? She did, in direct opposition to her doctors advice (I don't advise), cut "whole grain wheat" from her diet and switched to good, old fashioned, generic white bread (without the whole grain). That was it. Nothing else.
So, at this point I'll skip the modern montage and fast forward.... to her results. It has been five years, and she has dropped 40lbs. and a ton of finger pricks later.... She still no longer eats "whole grain wheat". She has been taking, an outstanding 1/3 of her initial insulin. Her dementia has slowed and she no longer has constant kidney infections.
I realize, My Nana is not data, however, she is one of many insulin dependant people's who have realized that dwarf wheat, when sold as "whole grain wheat" is not the wheat of the past. At the lack of valid data "insert your own self study here" has become a nifty trend... and since we all have different issues, bodies and familial history sometimes this is the only kind of data we can trust.
I do not promote you rage out, throw your insulin needle and pick up some white flour cookies. I am not promoting anything here other than my own observations, and for every person to choose for themselves what to do. So, do what you believe is good for yourself based on your own research.
I am, however, saying that dwarf wheat, when sold as "whole grain wheat" COULD potentially be damaging to our brains, intestines, kidneys and might, therefore lower life expectancy....
This is according only to the multitude of studies of this kind that I have seen for myself so please do the same.
What's in the study? well...
These Studies have shown that fatty organ diseases, are "new diseases" and are found ONLY in the last 35ish years of human history. Which, are direct correlation to the mass production and use of wild hybridized dwarf wheat sold as, generically "whole grain wheat". I mean, Show me an unbiased comprehensive comparative study of dwarf wheat and Ancient Grains, please? It seems like I can't find any unbiased study that was simply conducted to save lives and improve heath with no other agenda. It is outright annoying. More importantly, the only comparison of the long term effects in correlation to inflammatory and "fatty organ" diseases was hardly unbiased. Actually, Show me ANY comparative study at ALL.... No seriously, that would be great.
As a person with a research degree, I decent at finding research. I have access to not only one University Library, but two. Yet still, I have yet to find one decent, accredited study. This is very interesting because tbh I find it rather upsettjng that a long term study on dwarf wheat is not accessible. Some kind public data which shows it is safe for consumption without long life altering health effects would be pretty great. I do find it kindof telling that no food packaging must indicate when dwarf wheat is used while no data can be found on it's grain specific safety as whole grain or flour. However, foods containing ancient grains seem to always boast their use. I wonder why this is??
Wait, but where did these dwarves come from?
It should be noted, the very makeup of this grain is owned, down to it's molecular structure, it's very DNA. Otherwise noted, Dwarf Wheat is a mutated, hybridized, invasive grain and it is taking over the world's wheat supply.... Nooow, I have a few good (and potentially loaded) questions; why is it proprietary, who grants the copyright on such data and better yet.... how is it enforced? I will honestly leave these for a different rant but when you look it up you will be not just mystifyied, maybe outright enraged. I'll spot you a few links at the end, the rest is up to you.
So why they lie?
Well, I hypothesize that no comparison study has been done for one reason alone: mayhaps it's not advantageous for your health to consume the dwarf variety... IDN, seems logical... No study I have ever seen can deduce that dwarf wheat has the same benefit as ancient grain. Not one. You would think, that with all of the hype and concern surrounding obeasity, disease and gluten, that a real and comprehensive study would not only be necessary, but morally indicated considering the not only potential but known scope on our worldwide population.
I would dare call it legally binding to do as many studies as they can to provide, at least, public confidence. If anything, you know...to show a tad bit of concern about public health. A bit of proof is never counterintuitive to the powers that be....
right? eh... moving on.
So tell me, It's Not About money right?
I honestly do not understand why we have not demanded proof. Hey uh Government... gimmie Reports, studies, tests to support the numerous claims which you use to proove you have the best advise. Perhaps about both advantage of use, and even more so, safety for long term consumption. No really.
If there were not other factors involved in this debacle it might not be so irritating, I mean.... compelling....
Show me the money, then
So, overall, the reason for being so vague? Severely high stakes in the agriculture market, of course. Perhaps Someone should fire the investment guy....
but really... The losses are daunting upon the dawn of enlightenment. So, with all these Studies prooving how awesome it supposedly is.... why not just out with it? I mean with all these long term studies lieing about how can they fail so hard to provid anyone with some decent tests... perhaps the tests don't show the desired results...? I have no idea but figured Id just throw that out there. You don't have to believe me because if you looked, a few paragraphs back, you'd already know that the lack of data is pretty uninspiring, just sayin'.
This is because it can yield up to 10x "standard"... As in ancient grains produce up to 10x less yeild. It was supposed to solve world hunger and in some ways, it has.... But at what cost? I would rather be slimmer, more healthy and have less food that be obease, sick and in abundance. This is an opinion post, not medical advice, I am not a doctor.... Just a conscientious person, with a lot of questions, in the wake of all this abounding and disturbing evidence. Talk about a mouth full....
I feel pretty compelled to mention that there is a virtual Shmorgisborg of concerns other than merely that which involves "meh wheat thins". Upon careful consideration of precisely who has vested interest. Or perhaps the law that allows proprietary access and copywrite being given to uhh... idn some people, I guess...
In a, not just massive, but nearly monopolized market I am dying to know, what in blazing saddles is going on here? I doubt they will tell us anytime soon. However, perhaps we need to consider the structure of the food market entirely. How can we ensure safety and to adopt fail safes while the market is cornered by only a handful of companies. Many which have been found numerious times to either break policy or maybe bend policy over to completely ignore data, skew statistics in favour of dolla bills. While attempting, perhaps successfully, to take over feeding the world as a whole in spite of not being told we even want that... I don't know, but, pretty sure I for 1 don't think I really want that. I mean with all this outstanding proof that they kick ass at it why would I want them to ever stop...
call me skeptical.
Oh man, what a prospect...
Sooo.... Imagine this scene: worldwide famin and terror if said company failed to protect it's consumers due to vested interest.... and it's all our fault. Gasp right... It's not necessary, no, um, I don't even know them....Shrugs
I mean, really, what can we do now?
Well, maybe the right to provide should be in the interest if the people... anything but some guy no one has even heard of, who clearly could give a crap. The world market and the public should be inclusive on planning for not only our future but the future of our kin. I think, We need to employ safety nets, strict guidelines, laws data... tons of delicious data. Maybe even public accessible tools to provide valuable and necessary reliable data and alerts.
I even suggest making the food market a public venture opposed to proprietary venture for potentially seedy capitalists who are driven not by public concern for well being, but instead, invested self interest for the persuit of wealth at the expense of not only our health but our future.
I even promote that a state or federal side perminant take over of this market is not only smart but in the wake of current evidence it is nearly inevitable. There are too many loopholes that are currently in place to protect the investor and not nearly enough to ensure public safety. This is not just a money issue, it is a public worldwide crisis with daunting levels of repercussions if we continue to allow exclusivity and privilege to rule over our morality, without any redeemable foresight.
Shut up and take our money
There is so much at stake, in lieu of some pretty terrifying evidence. The monetary provisions given to private and massive corporations seems to be a conflict of interest. To be blunt; The federal and state government provides massive agricultural subsidises to Mega corps that have little to no morally vested interest in health and with little to no repercussion at failure to provide a safe reliable food sources. Thus, and subsidized with the petty cash of our likely ill invested, practically unregulated, tax spending. Kinda crazy if you think about it. Sounds legit...
We have allowed our government to employ a system that backs mega corporations instead of the public it feeds, sure, why not. All while we do so, willingly, by proof of our inaction. We can tell ourselves that the statisticlly unproven, and often inflammatory and misleading safety claims all seem like real words, and stuff. We can lie to ourselves too, that way we all may sleep at night.
We could, indeed, just kick back and not care. However to continue to do so, we are, essentially, not just allowing, but fiscally supporting potential worldwide population loss with the proven implication of not just current, but future lowered life expectancy.
It is no longer just "failure to communicate"
What we have on our hands could very well be nothing short of a devistating health and starvation crisis under the guise of "safe" and a mass of baseless claims. In which, not just a few people, but the majority of the world, is a part and I imagine all are likely to suffer eventually. I mean, birds and stuff....
Perhaps we need to demand a major Agricultural overhaul. I am just trying to say...perhaps... we may consider it a thing worth considering. Without, at least, trying to takea action I feel like we may well be consenting to bullying the future of man kind.... And bully is a much nicer way to put it.

We need proof of safety. We should be demanding fundimentally pivitol fail safe food systems.
Upon failure of worldwide crop loss things are gonna suck. I don't think about "if" it will happen.. we know it will, because history. We need to stop selling our future to privatized monopolized mega corps. It may even turn the current crisis of "them" into a more unified society of "we are hungry". To the guys making money off of it I suppose it's fair to say "you cant eat money", when we're all pretty much screwed.
We need to demand that the ownership of our food sources be "by the people and for the people". We need to either create a new government sector, created for safety and public concern. That which is monitered by readily available and accessable public tools. To say it plainly, We need to take back our food supply and decide a better plan for our future, and the future of human kind, before it is too late. Our lives, and the lives of our kin, depend on it.
So, in my humble opinion, we need to create, and promote awareness of, a publically accessable databases of the molecular structure of not only our food, but everything having to do with it. Including all food sources and both present and past concerns and public confidence reports for every farm and waterway. We really can make an app for it.
Yeah, Uhhh, we already paid for that....
We just need to regulate, and take back our water supply from all private corporations and actually make public utilities a part of the public... "make utilities great again" or what have you. If we have to subsidize food and water anyways... Though I am usually a fiscal moderate I would promote outright providing water to everyone. I promote a tax percent voucher for food. If we pay to subsidize, I also vote against taxing non prepared food. I see it as a pretty clear conflict of interest.
So please do not misconceive my political position here either.... I do not promote socialism but I do promote a more moderate and freaking logical approach that is (again) logical and not so that a few hot shots can proverbially hold the water (we allread pay for) over our heads, usually at a rediculous upcharge.
The profit.. is not... reinvested & it should be.
If you still don't believe me... I have an eye opening word for ya, Michigan.
Soooo, We Screwed Detroit, Anyways, Moving on...
and we must do so, AS A WHOLE...
I do not want you to buy into what I say, hook line and sinker. I want you to do serious and considerable research, for yourself, with the data available and really look at the situation we are in.